Stay On Track with Notion: Mastering Custom Reminders for Ultimate Productivity!


Hey there, Notion enthusiasts! 🚀

These days can be a bit of a rollercoaster, right? So many tasks, and oh, those distractions! 😅 Sometimes, I feel like I'm losing track of time and my to-dos.

Before I found Notion, I used TickTick for nearly 6 years. They had this feature called the "annoying alarm." Here's how it worked: If you had a task with a specific time and you didn't finish it, the app would notify you every hour until you completed it or rescheduled. Annoying? Yes. Effective? Absolutely!

I must admit, it was a love-hate relationship. Sometimes, I'd get so distracted and forget what I was supposed to do. I'd get lost in something else and then hear that alarm, reminding me that I had unfinished business. 😂

My wife, on the other hand, couldn't stand it. She wanted to grab my phone and toss it out the window just to stop that sound. Imagine having multiple tasks with that feature!

Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately for my wife), Notion doesn't have this feature. Sure, it has due dates and deadline dates, but for me, that wasn't enough. I needed more control over my reminders. So, I found a workaround.

Here's what I did: I added another text property in Notion. And guess what? Notion allows us to set reminders and format text inside that property. So, I seized the opportunity and set multiple reminders without the annoying hourly alerts.

But wait, how can you do it too? Easy-peasy! 🤩

Just write @remind, followed by the date and time you want to be reminded. Boom! Notion gets what you mean and plays along. You can set reminders for the day, one day before, or even one week before your important tasks or events. It's like having your very own personal assistant!

For example, type this with me: @remind tomorrow 10:00 am. See how the text turns blue? Click on it, and you can adjust the time and date, just like you would with any date property.

Now, you're in control. You can add as many reminders as you want. Cool, right? 😎

There's nothing more refreshing than discovering small and easy tips like this one. It's like finding a hidden gem in your favorite video game.

Alright, I've set my reminder for now, and it's time to bid you adieu. But don't you dare leave until you've tried this out a few times and made it your own.

As always, wishing you a fantastic and productive day ahead! 🌟

Fayed out 🚀

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